Dinner Incredible was born in the midst of the global pandemic from the idea of the award-winning Sardinian chef Giorgio Diana. Born in Cagliari in 1982 and raised in Munich, Chef Giorgio Diana has a cosmopolitan soul, an adventurous spirit and a great curiosity about different types of cuisine but above all about different world traditions and cultures.

“With love and passion” has always been the way of thinking of chef Giorgio Diana. Thus the Dinner Incredible project was born in 2020, made up of a team of 12 world-famous chefs (just like the apostles of the past) who together will go around bringing peace and love and discovering new ingredients, thus supporting small producers and sustainability of the territory.
“Play global, eat local” is the motto of this incredible dinner.

Dinner incredible is not a competition between chefs, but rather a cultural exchange between colleagues that unites different religions, traditions, skin colors and cultures, all in the same kitchen, thus putting together a 12-course menu using only typical and seasonal products. “Food connecting People” is a message of pure passion, harmony and collaboration between different peoples, erasing every form of war and racism present today.

After the very famous edition in Bangkok in 2021 and then continuing in Italy in 2022, Dinner Incredible now moves for the third edition to the Middle East, precisely to Saudi Arabia with a total of 12 top award-winning and Michelin-star chefs from around the world including Giorgio Diana, Manoella Buffara, Jacob Jan Boerma, Massimiliano Sena, Giovanni Solofra, Bruno Menard, Augustin Balbi, Ekaterina Alehina, Mario Gamba, Noda Kotaro, Fatmata Binta, and Daniele Chiari.
Thanks to the collaboration in Saudi Arabia with Daniele Chiari, the Royal Protocol for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the chefs will have a tour organized by the government, where they will discover the origins and traditions of Saudi cuisine, from the production of dates to the cultivation of vegetables passing through the dairy factories of camel, and finally they will have to interpret a typical Saudi dish in their own way, thus creating a 12-course menu for approximately 140 people divided into 2 events.

The first event on November 25th will take place in the middle of the desert in Al Ula bringing you back to the ancient time through the famous red rocks reflected by the lights that creates a truly wonderful atmosphere.At the end of the dinner you cannot miss the nocturnal desert experience where the chefs will be invited to discover the origins of the Bedouins, listen to their fascinating stories and finally taste their natural teas.

The second event will be held privately on November 26th, the most iconic of all where the chefs will cook inside one of the heritage palace of Saudi King for a limited number of top VIP guests, CEOs and Princes.

Aside from the event, during these days, a filming will take place for the second TV series after the first episode that was created in 2022 by Giorgio Diana and Monica Caradonna, the 4-episode series where the chefs discovered the best of Puglia, its traditions and its values and then broadcast on food network and discovery plus Italy in September 2023.

The second series will be different, where chef Giorgio Diana in collaboration with the we are factory and MBC team will involve the entire Saudi world, documenting life in the desert and the survival of products at very high temperatures and then going on to discover the beautiful Arab culture .
Forwarding to 2024, Dinner Incredible will grow and will have 3 culinary events throughout the year. Starting in June 2024 there will be the Sardinia tour where the chefs will visit the key points of the island, from the nuraghi to the sand dunes, from the Neptune caves to the island of Caprera and then visit many local producers.Filming for the third TV series will take place here, mostly in Giorgio Diana's native country and therefore with an even more important and exciting meaning.

In September 2024, Dinner Incredible will go to Thailand, thanks to the collaboration with Silver Voyage Club, a leading luxury lifestyle management and concierge services company in Thailand, and their expertise in arranging meaningful and exciting trip, organizing unique events, sourcing venues and finest ingredients, as well as their professional team of service and butlers. This time Chef Giorgio Diana and the chefs will fly to Phuket where they will discover all the Thailand islands, go fishing and will be able to cook only with the help of fire. Filming for the 4th TV series will take place here.
And to close 2024 Dinner Incredible will return to Saudi Arabia in November but this time there will be lots of new features that we will reveal to you in the future.....stay tuned